Clean windows and secure high-level surfaces make a huge difference in making sure people stay safe and comfortable in and around your building - which is why our commercial window cleaning is such a popular service among our clients.
We'll assess the risk, provide the appropriate equipment (such as telescopic poles and cherry pickers) and staff to provide an industry leading streak-free finish, and with a nationwide network of service depots, our commercial window cleaners are always near you, ready to provide this unparalleled level of cleanliness.
Helen Ryan was efficient and organised what was needed for our establishment. Helen has kept me up to date with agreement and delivery. Polite and no issues with getting in communication.
A Sustainable Partnership
phs offer a range of services to help your business achieve CSR targets, while ensuring your workplace is clean and safe.
More sustainable washrooms
The washroom is often overlooked when working to reduce your businesses carbon footprint. But it only takes a few small changes to make washrooms more eco-friendly environments.
Supply Chain Responsibility
We are committed to maintaining ethical relationships with our suppliers, with business goals deeply grounded in social responsibility.
Paperless account management
The Myphs online portal offers an easy way to access key documents, raise queries, track visits, and pay invoices.
Reaching CSR goals together
Providing sustainable products and services to our customers. Working with us can help your business reach its own environmental goals.
Environmental Sustainability
We are dedicated to reducing our negative impact through innovative carbon reduction solutions, contributing to a healthier future.
You should care about this service because...
phs can clean high-level windows, roofs, gutters, and other external surfaces of commercial buildings, ensuring they remain safe, clean, and secure.
By adhering strictly to health and safety standards and employing highly trained and certified technicians, phs ensures the safety of both their workers and your building's occupants.
phs's industry leading window cleaning teams includes all the necessary specialist equipment in their window and fascia cleaning service, eliminating the need for separate equipment rental and thereby saving costs.