Addressing Indoor Air Pollution for Nurseries Case Study

We’re helping nurseries address indoor air pollution

A study has shown that air pollution is worse inside London classrooms than outside – due to outdoor pollution penetrating buildings. Dangerous levels of fine particulate pollution have been found within classrooms; some exceeding WHO guidelines. We already know that young children are more vulnerable to airborne pollutants than adults and the study also showed that children living or attending schools nearer high-traffic density roads were exposed to higher levels of motor vehicle exhaust gases and had higher incidence and prevalence of childhood asthma and wheeze.

Visit our Air Care Services

To help raise awareness of these issues, phs has partnered with Fellowes to offer free AERAMAX® PROFESSIONAL air purifiers to urban nurseries for a whole year. In a competition, we asked for nurseries to be nominated to receive two air purifiers and we tested the air quality before they were installed and subsequently to see what difference they made. In total, five nurseries will be chosen for this free trial.

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