phs supports Chwarae Teg mentorship scheme

phs is delighted to announce the continuation of the Chwarae Teg Career Development programme, ensuring through a culture of strength in diversity that our organisation’s future, and that of our clients, is even brighter. phs core brilliance is in its people—and we know that, when we invest in our people, they become even more confident and fulfilled in their careers. And that drives phs to greater levels of excellence and means we continue to deliver ever-more excellent service to our clients across the board.


What is Chwarae Teg?

Chwarae Teg is a Welsh organisation with the mission to achieve a fairer Wales for women. Active since 1992, the charity works with organisations across Wales to shape the world of work into a place in which women are empowered to be visible, prosper and be influential across all sectors.

The career development programme is for women in work to gain the skills, confidence and knowledge to progress their career.  It is an opportunity to identify career goals, barriers and personal working styles as well as access tools and learning to successfully lead and motivate people. phs is very proud to be working with Chwarae Teg to empower its women employees to go from strength to strength in their careers.

Who is the mentorship programme for and how does it work?

The career development programme is for women phs employees based in Wales who want to progress their careers within the company. Those on the programme work to achieve an award in leadership and team skills.  This is a qualifications for either practicing team leaders, helping them to become more effective and confident in their role, or, for those aspiring team leaders to help them make the transition from working in a team to leading a team.

phs added value 

In addition to the delivery from Chwarae Teg, phs also offer all those on the programme an opportunity to have a phs internal mentor.  phs connect all these women on a one-to-one basis with their mentors and together, through the mentorship, they can work on setting and achieving internal goals and career objectives. Mentors and mentees set their own pace and have regular meetups for coaching and working together.

What benefits does the Chwarae Teg inclusivity mentorship programme bring?

Women who complete the career development programme will have a huge boost to their own careers, as well as obtain valuable skills that can be leveraged both within the workplace and in other aspects of their lives. At phs, we’re proud of the strength diversity brings to our workforce and business—and we know our clients feel the same. The fact is that the more diverse a workforce, the better its staff engagement and productivity. And, while this has clear and positive bottom-line impact, there are countless intangible benefits to both our business and our clients’, too. Achieving a truly inclusive workplace means that businesses attract broader talent pools, gaining the profound benefits of multiple perspectives and increased quality in collaboration, as well as deeper insight into its clients’ needs.

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