The phs Index: Consumers want you to care about the air

phs have commissioned independent consumer research to understand what hygiene measures people think businesses should introduce to keep them safe throughout the winter months.

The research, presented in the latest phs Index (released 10th December 2020), found that 54% of UK consumers think organisations should be doing more to reduce the risk of COVID-19 infection in their premises. But what more can be done?

Hands. Face. Space. Air.

We know COVID-19 can spread through the air, but for some reason indoor air quality is often forgotten about when it comes to making business premises COVID-secure. We use hand sanitiser to clean our hands, and adhere to one-way systems for social distancing, but what are we doing to stop the spread of COVID-19 in the air?

The phs Index found that 3 in 5 (61%) UK consumers think air purifiers should be mandatory in all indoor environments to help curb the spread of viruses*. Consumers said they would be more likely to visit businesses with interior air purifiers installed, as this would make them feel safer and looked after.

Winter is the perfect time to explore air care solutions for your business, as people will no longer be willing to sit or wait outside in dark and cold weather. Consumers will instead be looking to visit places that can offer a safe and welcoming interior environment. However, businesses clearly still have a lot of work to do, as 1 in 10 people admit they’ve walked out of a premises because the risk of catching COVID-19 made them feel uncomfortable*.

Why does air care matter?

Air purification devices can be used to capture viruses, germs, and allergens, from the air, ensuring interior air is safe to breath. There are also an abundance of other benefits to using air purifiers to clean your interior air:

  • Enhances well-being
    It helps create a more positive environment, leaving people feeling happy and productive.
  • Increases comfort
    People with seasonal allergies, asthma, or irritable skin conditions will benefit from clean air.
  • Improved perception of your business
    Creates a safer and more welcoming environment for customers and employees.

To further understand the airborne risk of coronavirus in indoor spaces, phs air quality experts have teamed up with a leading Cambridge University professor. Professor Paul Linden, Fluid Mechanics Expert, Cambridge University, said:

“Indoor air quality is a real concern in the spread of coronavirus. Much of the focus on COVID-19 has been the transmission by physical touch and larger droplets expelled when an infected person breathes, talks and coughs but what we’re not talking about enough is the smaller infected droplets and particles which remain airborne and are not contained by masks.”

“Growing evidence indicates these infected aerosols linger in the air for hours at a time and can be spread around a building – even after an infected person has left creating an extended risk of transmission. During the winter, we’re more likely to be spending time indoors with less natural ventilation, meaning the air we breathe is more concentrated with particulates. If we fail to combat the risk of airborne infection, we risk being exposed by a large gap in our defences. Improving indoor air quality must be at the forefront if we truly want to create COVID-safe environments.”


How can indoor air be cleaned?

Cleaning the air in your premises is easier than you think. All you need is an air purifier.

phs offers a wide-range of air purifiers that use the latest technology to effortlessly clean interior air. There are wall-mounted and portable options available, with something to suit every need and budget. These devices are available across the whole of the UK, they’ll even be installed and annually serviced by an expert phs technician.


The AERAMAX PROFESSIONAL PUREVIEW device is available in three sizes to suit different size rooms. These wall-mounted purifiers used HEPA filtration to clean the air and remove 99.97% of harmful germs, viruses, and allergens.

For interior rooms sized between 20-30m2.

For interior rooms sized between 30-65m2.

For interior rooms sized between 60-130m2.

The BIOZONE range has three air purification devices to choose from, the wall-mounted BIOZONE AC10 and AC30, and the portable MINI POWERZONE. These devices use five different techniques to destroy 99.999% of bacteria and viruses in the air and on surfaces.

Suitable for medium interior spaces, destroys up to three different odours sources.

Suitable for large interior spacesdestroys up to eight different odours sources.

A portable option for use in unoccupied rooms, runs in increments of 10 minutes.


Why choose phs?
Independent consumer research found that 68% of British people are concerned about catching Covid-19 when in an indoor environment*. Luckily, phs has a range of hygiene solutions that are specifically designed to make your business COVID-secure.

As a leading supplier of air care products in the UK, phs will work with your business to find a solution that suits your safety needs and your budget. Our expert technicians will then install the device and undertake an annual service, with the device guaranteed for five years, to ensure it’s always running efficiently. Giving you a breath of fresh air.

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