What are Scope emissions?
Scope 1 emissions encompass direct greenhouse gas emissions produced by a company's owned or controlled sources. This includes emissions from fuel combustion in company vehicles, onsite machinery, and industrial processes. As a provider of various services, such as waste management, we understand the significance of addressing Scope 1 emissions.
Scope 2 emissions refer to indirect greenhouse gas emissions generated from the generation of purchased electricity, heating, and cooling consumed by a company. As an organisation conscious of our energy consumption, we strive to reduce our Scope 2 emissions and transition to cleaner energy sources.
Scope 3 emissions encompass indirect emissions that occur in a company’s value chain. These emissions often stem from sources outside of a company's direct control, such as business travel, transportation of goods, and waste disposal.
To learn more on how phs actively work towards addressing and reducing our carbon footprint, please download our infographics.