phs Group’s purpose is putting people at the heart of its products and services
As a business, our Chief Executive Officer, Matthew Brabin, leads our commitment to social value and forms an integral part of our business planning and strategy. We work proactively with our customers to identify, deliver, and report on all aspects of social value.
Social Value Objectives
By working closely with colleagues, customers, suppliers, and partners, phs endeavour to deliver social value centred around key themes. 
Environmental sustainability
Reducing negative impact through our Carbon Net Zero by 2040 plan.
Providing local job opportunities and work placements in our communities.
Training and skill development
To train and develop our colleagues so they can achieve their potential, and our customers receive great service.
Colleague well-being
Promoting a positive and productive working environment where colleagues can speak up and are listened to.
Local economy and supply chain
Encouraging opportunities and growth in the areas which we operate, while ensuring we use only responsible suppliers.
Community engagement
Supporting our colleagues to “give something back” through fundraising, volunteering, and awareness schemes for good causes.