The importance of providing sanitary bins and maintaining clean washrooms

How many of us have walked into a commercial, public or workplace washroom – be it a shop, restaurant, clinic, or office building – and made a judgement about the entire organisation based on the cleanliness of its facilities?... The answer will be ‘many’, if not ‘most’ of us. Washrooms are a basic human need, and when it comes to making a good impression and creating a welcoming, reassuring environment for visitors and staff, maintaining high standards of hygiene, and providing the right washroom services are crucial.

In this blog, we'll delve into the significance of providing washroom services such as sanitary bins and upkeeping clean washrooms. We’ll explore the types of waste these bins are designed for and why employing professional sanitary bin services, such as phs washroom hygiene services, is a smart decision.

Sanitary bins are essential – here’s why…

Sanitary bins for the disposal of personal hygiene products have been a mainstay of the washroom services industry since the 1980s, a legal requirement in female washrooms since the 1991 Water Industries Act and the 1992 Workplace (Health, Safety & Welfare) Regulation, and now increasingly we are recognising their huge significance for male washrooms – as our campaign in partnership with Prostate Cancer UK has identified.

Sanitary bins play a pivotal role in maintaining hygiene and ensuring convenience and comfort for all individuals who require proper disposal options for hygiene products. These bins are designed to cater specifically to the disposal of hygiene products, such as tampons, pads, wipes, and adult nappies. By providing sanitary bins in all washrooms, establishments demonstrate not only their legal duty of care to staff and visitors, but their commitment to inclusivity, ensuring that the needs of all visitors are met.

Sanitary bins are specifically designed to handle waste that could otherwise create sanitation issues if disposed of improperly. The importance of providing these bins lies not only in care and convenience but also in the prevention of clogs, blockages, and the spread of bacteria and germs as hygiene products cannot be broken down in our sewerage systems. Providing adequate facilities for disposal of these products prevents them from being flushed down the toilet, a common cause of plumbing problems in many establishments. In fact, improper disposal of hygiene products down toilets has contributed to sewerage issues across the UK that cost water companies, and therefore consumers, millions of pounds each year to address.

Managing your sanitary bins

Waste collection, disposal and cleaning are a necessity for any washroom. All too often, businesses fail to address overflowing and unclean sanitary and waste bins in cubicles and washrooms, which can lead right back to improper disposal of products as a last resort for consumers. Poorly managed sanitary bins make a bad impression, do little to encourage confidence from staff and consumers and can damage a business’s reputation with clients.

Keeping on top of these potential issues means putting trained staff, appropriate schedules, and waste disposal systems in place to ensure that sanitary products are disposed of regularly, cleanly and efficiently. Bins need to be emptied, cleaned, and sanitised on a consistent basis to prevent odours and the growth of harmful microorganisms.

Beyond bins – keeping your washrooms clean

Cleanliness in washrooms extends far beyond just basic surface level cleaning routines. While a clean appearance is inviting, the real significance lies in preventing the spread of germs and maintaining the overall health and wellbeing of visitors and employees. Regular cleaning of washrooms is essential to prevent the build-up of harmful bacteria and viruses that can lead to illness. Moreover, a clean washroom contributes to a positive impression of the establishment, enhancing the overall experience for everyone who walks through the door.

Creating positive experiences using phs professional services

Undoubtedly, constant cleaning and maintenance can put a strain on many businesses’ resources. This is where professional sanitary bin management and commercial cleaning services come into play. phs Group services, such as our washroom cleaning and sanitary bin services, provide a comprehensive approach to ensuring the highest standard of hygiene and functionality of washrooms. Our full-service solutions include providing access to hygienic, well-maintained, and easy-to-use washroom facilities for all your clients, visitors, and staff hygiene needs, as well as discreet, tailored cleaning and disposal management schedules.

Another of the key advantages of employing professional services is the expertise they bring to the table. With 60 years of expertise in commercial cleaning, waste collection and product provision, phs’s trained technicians have the knowledge and tools to carry out washroom maintenance effectively, ensuring that the highest standards of hygiene are met.

In today's competitive landscape, where businesses and establishments are vying for client and staff loyalty, even the smallest details matter. The provision of clean, pleasant, and well-maintained washrooms, complete with sanitary bins and regular cleaning services, can set a positive tone for anyone who enters your premises.

Contact our experts at phs to discuss your sanitary bin and washroom requirements.

Our Brands

  • Exterior deep cleaning
  • Interior deep cleaning
  • Floor deep cleaning
  • Specialist deep cleaning
  • Cleaning chemicals
  • Paper & wiping
  • Janitorial & anciliary
  • Washroom & specialists
  • Hanging baskets
  • Christmas trees
  • Office plants
  • Landscaping
  • Fixed wire and testing
  • Electrical and mechanical maintenance
  • Fire and security maintenance
  • Electric vehicle charging services
  • Crate wash services
  • Crates and accessories to buy
  • Crate rental
  • Range of safety workwear
  • Unique laundry service
  • Locker service
  • Uniform destruction
  • Waste reduction and segregation
  • Waste and money saving audit
  • Landfill diversion
  • Bespoke tailored solutions